Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Nostalgia: why are we so drawn to its mystical marvels?

Ever wondered why you love hearing that old 80’s tune blasting through the radio with its sordid but timeless electro symphony as it reminds you of that fun night out. Or how about that favourite chic flick film that you used to watch when you were a teenager and still take the pleasure of watching it every other month. There is something about nostalgia and our pasts that we are all drawn to as humans. Of course not everyone likes to relive their past through media or materialism but there is always something within your life that is apart of your past. It is what makes us who we are, and I think we like to be reminded of that.

The famous Audrey Hepburn was never one for “reliving in the past”. She was a type that never indulged in living in the past. This was probably what we found so endearing and modest about her character. To me, though, I don’t quite understand why. Albeit there is no use in dwelling in past times that remind you of a time of pain or anger, but why not relive the times that were good in your life by listening to that song that you used to dance to at the school disco, and remembering your foolish, cheesy dance moves with a smile forming on your face. To me the old saying “The unexamined life is not worth living” always speaks to me in that you have to live in the past and the present to live out who you are in the future. And don’t you?

One day an old man said to his grandson.

“There is no use in crying over yesterday and worrying about tomorrow”.

“Only live today”.

The boy pondered

“Well if I forget about yesterday and don’t think about tomorrow, how will I know what to live for?”

This was a mini saga I once wrote that I entered it into a competition, and it was chosen to be in a young writers saga book. Modest of me to say I know, but I am just proclaiming the fact that we really don’t realise how much our memories play a part in our lives. How our characteristics and destinations throughout our lives have lead us to be the people we are now. Even the tiniest details make each and every one of us very different from one another. Why else is it so exciting to meet new people in the everyday world? We get to learn from them and they can learn from us too. We become better people as we become more content with who we are and how we have changed over the years.

The endearing memories of our childhoods that sometimes reappear in our present day remind us of times that have been and gone. Times, that will never be relived in the same way ever again. That is why whenever I hear the raspy voice of Alanis Morissette I feel a little warm and empty inside all at the same time, in that I will never again be sat at my father’s desk, him on his computer me on mine, and listen to the song ‘Ironic’ whilst raiding with our guild on EverQuest. I have some truly unique memories (you probably have no idea what “EverQuest” is. No? Again to re-emphasize its uniqueness. It was an online gaming with the likes of mystical wood elves and dwarves etc) that I do wish to relive whenever the chance comes along, even if only once a year when they decide to play a Morissette classic on the radio. I will be wholeheartedly joyful to associate her songs with the happy times of casting lava bursts on skeletons and grouping with my father. I will still enjoy those memories as they remind me of a happier time in a gloomier time of our lives. Oh, and if you are wondering how Alanis Morissette’s music got paired up with a fantasy game, I don’t know either, they were both favourite muses of my dads at the time and funnily enough still are.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

The Modelling world...what happens in there?

Modelling is one of the most sought after jobs, not just in the fashion industry but also among young girls. It’s hard for us to see past the ‘glamorous’ fashion and see what the modelling world is when so much of it is covered up through a mask of beauty. We don’t think about the deeper parts of the modelling world, as we are only interested in what’s on the outside: the clothes and the beautiful people. It would be a revelation if we could actually look at plus size models on catwalks and feel we wanted to be like them. Just to be able to look at other models and be comfortable in our own skins and not feel pressure to be perfect. But as you can already guess we (society) seem to have accepted this ‘perfect’ ideal of the size 0, the beautiful face, a perfect body as our only inspiration of beauty and are not likely to be looking at anything else for beauty tips anytime soon.

On the other hand, we often see people in the media (generally those outside of the fashion industry) trying to change people’s perceptions of beauty and trying to look at how the industry has such an effect on people today. TV programmes such as ‘Beauty and the Beast’, which has recently just aired on Channel 4. In this documentary we catch a glimpse of people who are trying to change the face of beauty into a more natural and realistic image as disabilities and plus sizes are praised. However, to put a spin on this another documentary recently aired on Channel 4 called ‘The Model agency’: a strange, ironic twist that both seem to be showing at the same time, no? One is looking at the prejudice side of beauty whilst the other ‘The Model agency’ is supporting the ‘perfect’ image of beauty, as it is what their industry is all about. It’s almost as if we are seeing the battle for beauty from each side come face to face, and it’s pragmatically asking you. Which do you stand for?

The world of fashion and modelling is too big a world to protest against, as skinny models with 9inch heels will just tread on top of you. It is said that the fashion world is a vain industry (of course, the billion pound industry isn’t going to be set on inner beauty now is it) but people who decided to become a part of this industry should know what they are facing and what they are in for. The only thing that I can say is that as the general population we should not look to these models and feel intimidated and uncomfortable in our own skin. Really, whom are these girls trying to impress…is it really us? That’s just it. We think that these women are trying to impress men/women in society but actually it’s neither. These models are called models for a reason they model the clothes of prestigious designers and try their best to make their clothes look better with their petite frames. They are size 0 for a reason, that area of the industry prefers the women to make the clothes look better as opposed to using the clothes to make us look better.

All I am suggesting is that whether you are a size 6 or a size 20 you should not feel pressured by these models unless you are hoping to become one yourself. You should therefore be content with your own unique self. Modelling can be a passion with some people and others it can be an obsession. All you need to know is that both men and women models are generally just as insecure as you about their bodies (if not more so). The grass isn’t always greener on the other side where everything seems so glamorous and wonderful.

The tales of the modelling world are not left in the dark anymore and even in ‘The Model agency’ documentary we see models that live a chaotic lifestyle put their health at risk with some claiming they ‘don’t get chance to eat’ all day long and become restless from lack of sleep. Would you want that sort of lifestyle? Nevertheless, excluding the down sides to modelling we can soar to the real key in this multi-millionaire business, which is the designers and moreover the clothing. I will be the first to admit that such clothing we see on catwalks really is pieces of art. Don’t let the pressure of fitting in with dress sizes be a dark cloud over fashion or expressing your taste in clothes. See that this industry is far more profound than those pin thin models that strut down a runway. It is full of imagination and expression of the greatness of individuality that can be worn by us all (well at least the high-street versions).

By Kim Stanworth

Monday, 3 January 2011

Quirky, cool gifs

Looking for an interesting present that is quirky in eye appeal but cool in buy appeal.
Manchesters German market is small but cute in its style. Anything you cannot buy in high street shops you'll find there. These Russian dolls are a favourite of mine, they are a perfect gift.

A new year, a new Fashion

Fashion today can be defined by many labels. Dolce and Gabbana, Hugo Boss, Givency, Anna Sui and many more. Of course these are just the designers but this is what they have created. Something that is so powerful that it can be used as a description of the subject itself. However, I wonder just what else we can define fashion to be. I find that fashion should be linked to beautiful pieces of clothing not just prestigious designer brands. Of course I find most designers clothes to be a symbol of artwork but why should the rest of us who are not able to afford such desirables not be able to show fashion in our own way, and to have it be seen as an icon. It’s the same with anything that is shown to us today, it has to be ‘expensive’ for us to feel worthy of buying and wearing it.
Fear not, you are not the only one who carries this same burden when shopping for your clothes. I believe we can start again with these no good doers that bear on our shoulders. It is now the start of a new year and why not join a new tradition that I believe can create a new revelation. Of course, I am talking about shopping in vintage shops. They are wondrous places. I could list tens of reasons why they can be your do-gooders for next year but instead I will just state the main points. Label them as you may ‘vintage shops’, ‘charity shops’. But just what amazing garments can be found in there have never been given the light of day. They are very rarely spoken of in the media, very rarely are they seen as fashion items to be celebrated.
So I say to you now. Do not spend another thought on those women who walk down the street in classic designer brand and wish you were in their shoes. Instead, be green (environmentally of course) and wear a garment that is one of a kind, unique and ‘affordable’. Sparkling trends can still be taken into account but made by your own choosing, instead of items that were picked for you to buy at a substantial amount. You can choose fashion items that you see as beautiful and something for your friends to wish they had but won’t be able to replicate, just awe at your style, and possibly borrow it from you.